main gallery menu Directory of Artists

  • This section lists almost all prints that are shown in the various gallery sections, sorted by artists names. Due to the number of entries the listing spreads over several pages, each containing around twenty-five items. Since these pages only serve to give an overview we reduced the size of the pictures; a click on either the text line or the picture links to the description page where full-sized pictures are available.
  • Please, select the starting letter(s) of the artist's name you are interested in from the group below. - Underneath that group you will find four links to categories of prints, illustrated books, drawings, etc., not fully covered, or not covered at all, in this directory (with one exception we did not include any shunga, e.g.).
  • Finally: for the time being you will find link buttons back to this page only from the  FRONT/INDEX  and  MAIN MENU  pages. In most cases it may be best to use your browser's BACK button to return to this page.

  • Choose the first letter(s)
    of the artist's name:
    A - C E - HAS HIR - HOK I - KO KU - KYU L - U V - Z MISC.

    For works not listed
    in this section, see e.g.:
    drawings and
    printing blocks
    shunga prints under
    € 500
    facsimile editions
    of prints & books

    MISCELLANEOUS (unidentified artists / special features / sets by more than one artist)

    Japanese drawings - part I

    Catalogue featuring rare preparatory
    drawings for woodblock prints, a.o.


    Two fine AKASHI surimono copies





    Reproduction prints section:
    - featuring LANDSCAPE, NATURE, BIJIN and
       KABUKI prints, a.o., from various periods. -

    SERIZAWA, Keisuke

    Stencil-dyed calendar prints
    - Complete 12-part calendars of four different years -

    various artists

    Miscellaneous 'kuchi-e'
    (frontispieces for Japanese novels, (art) magazines, e.g.


    'A shoal of fishes'
    - various 19th century watercolor drawings -


    'Daikoku, God of Good Luck'
    (preparatory drawing)

    SHUNGA - new entries

    Albums, prints and drawings,    e n t r i e s
    - among them a print with movable elements! -

    Chose the first letter(s)
    of the artist's name:
    A - C E - HAS HIR - HOK I - KO KU - KYU L - U V - Z MISC.

    For works not listed
    in this section, see:
    drawings and
    printing blocks
    shunga prints under
    € 500
    facsimile editions
    of prints & books
    top of page     top of page

    keyword search for artists, titles, general terms