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Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (attr. to)
(1797 - 1861)
Foxes engaged in human activities

Preparatory brush drawing; sumi (black ink) on thin paper.

Date:                  1840s
Size of sheet:     20 x 20 cms / c. 8" x 8 7/8"

Condition:  Fine. Mounted on thin backing paper.

ref. no.: # S-0905e
Price:  € 1,350.00
A preparatory drawing most likely by Kuniyoshi for his Foxes in Fans print series.

KUNIYOSHI as a print artist excelled in a large variety of subject matter. - Of particular interest are his comic prints ('giga-e'), caricatures and depictions of animals in human guise or involved in human activities.

- M. Forrer, Drawings by Utagawa Kuniyoshi - from the collection of the National Museum of Ethnology Leiden; The Hague, 1988.
- B.W. Robinson, Drawings by Utagawa Kuniyoshi - in the collection of Ferd. Lieftinck of Haren, Holland; Groningen, 1953.
- Fagioli, Utagawa Kuniyoshi: 90 disegni; Firenze, 1985.
- Fagioli, Kuniyoshi - an appreciation of his drawings; in: ANDON no. 21; 1986

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